WebinJobs - Looking for a job portal website ? We have the app to help you out.
WebinJobs Portal is a software product for running job portal websites allowing the employers to post their jobs, the job seekers to sign up and create their resume, search for jobs etc.

The employers can use different services on the website like:
- posting jobs, bulk import or export jobs
- make them featured
- process the job applications, approve or reject them
- post banners in selected banner areas, which are created by the administrator
- search in the database with job seeker resumes and others.
The administrator / website owner can charge the employers when using the different services or make some of them or all to be free. The software comes with different payment systems integrated by default like PayPal, Google Checkout, 2checkout, Skrill / Moneybookers, PagSeguro, PayFast, InterKassa, PayMate, Amazon Payments and others.
The software comes also with an administration panel with multiple features allowing the administrator to manage the different configuration settings, the users and job listings, manage the website structure and content - add and remove pages, edit their content etc.
The job seekers also have different features to search for jobs and create email alerts (in order to be notified when new jobs meeting their search criteria are posted), create their profile and their resume (by either uploading it as a file or using the online resume creator or the resume text editor).

They can upload also additional files (like references, certificates etc.), which can be attached when applying for jobs and manage their settings (like setting if they wish their profile to be Public or Private, if it's not public, their profile and information won't show up in the search results, for the searches done by the employers in the job seeker resume database).