WebinSchool 2015 - The ultimate school management application now available in Qatar.

- User groups : Administrators, teachers, students and parents
- Registration : Administrator must approve registrations of teachers, students or parents
- Private messages : simple way to communicate with other users by messages
- Mail / SMS : Administrators can send e-mail or SMS to teachers, students or parents
- NewsBoard : Publish school news on board
- Events : Publish scheduled events
- Calender : List events, news, exams and online exams on calender
- Attendance : Track attendance of students
- Exams : Add exams scheduled for school students and grade levels
- Assignments : Upload assignments related to each class
- Online exams : Create online exams ( Multiple choice ) for students with auto marking
- Dormitories : Add your school dormitories
- Classes : Add your school classes
- Class schedule : Create class schedule for each one
- Subjects : Add subjects and their relation to teachers
- Books library : Create online library by either download or book availability on library
- Control all areas of script
- Create new accounts and approve registeration requests
- Send Mail / SMS to users
- Control site settings, dormitories, classes, subjects, news, events and grade levels
- Set class schedule for each class
- Can use private messages with other site users
- View library, download and check book status
- Can see classes schedule
- Add / Control attendance for students
- Add / Control grades for students
- Create online exams for classes and review marks
- Can use private messages with other site users
- View library, download and check book status
- Can view news, events and calender
- Can view exams and assignments
- Can view online exams and take them
- Can see classes schedule
- Can view news, events and calender
- Can use private messages with other site users
- View library, download and check book status
- Can see his student's marksheet and attendance
- Can view exams and assignments
- Can see classes schedule
- Can view news, events and calender
- Can use private messages with other site users
- View library, download and check book status